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Mendeley: Mendeley Cite

A user guide for the Mendeley reference management software

1. Install MS Word Plugin

To install the MS Word plug in:

When installed the plugin will appear as below on Microsoft Windows:

2. Insert citations

  • Once installed, Mendeley Cite can be accessed via the 'References' tab on the Ribbon in Word.
  • Position your cursor where you want to insert a citation in your document. From the 'References' tab in Mendeley Cite select the reference(s) you wish to insert, and select ‘Insert citation’

3.Inserting a bibliography

  • Position the cursor where you want the bibliography to appear in your document, select the 'More' menu in Mendeley Cite and select the ‘Insert Bibliography’ button
  • Your bibliography will automatically reorder and restructure itself every time you add an additional citation

Choosing and changing citation styles

  • Select a new style by going to the 'Citation Style' tab in Mendeley Cite
  • The tab displays a list of all the citation styles you have installed. Change the style by selecting any of the styles, then 'Update citation style'
  • If the style you need isn’t listed you can select ‘Select another style...’. Your top 10 list will automatically update with your new selections in alphabetical order
  • If you need to use a custom citation style, you can upload your own style directly into Mendeley Cite

Generating Citations with MS Word

Note: There is a slight difference with MS Word on Mac as the Cite-O-Matic will appear as its own toolbar.

Editing a reference in a citation

  • Select the citation you wish to edit, then select the reference pill you wish to edit in the edit panel in Mendeley Cite
  • From here you can add values to specific reference attributes, provide a prefix/suffix and suppress the author name. Any edits you make will be applied within your document

Refreshing references

  • From the 'References' menu in Mendeley Cite and select the ‘Refresh' button in the drop down menu
  • Mendeley Cite will update all references in your document, as well as the bibliography, with any changes you have made in your Mendeley library.

Tags: Citation, Citation managers, Mendeley, Referencing

Subjects: Referencing, Research support, Scholarly Communications