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Research and Communication Skills Course: Home

A Library instruction guide for Research & Communication Skills course taught in year 1 Civil & CEM


This guide is created to support the Library instruction session delivered to students in both Civil & Construction Engineering & Management specialisations in year 1 to help them finding resources for their research assignment required in the Research & Communication Skills course.

Search Tips

Below you will find different search techniques that you need to apply to find relevant resources:

Keyword Searching:

A keyword searching is the default search in most databases. Keywords are words that can appear anywhere in your search results.Try to think of the keywords that best describe your topic.

Field Searching:

A field is a specific part of a record in a database. By selecting a specific field you tell the database to search for your certain word in this field.

Boolean Operators:

Boolean operators connect your search terms together to narrow or broaden your search results. There are three:


Connects more than one search term together and all of them must be present in your search results. AND focuses your search.


Joins synonyms or alternative terms to retrieve either one search term or both of them. OR expands your search.


Tells the database to exclude results with that keyword. NOT narrows a search by excluding specific terms.

Librarian Profile

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Wessam El Abd
Senior Librarian for instruction at Engineering, Energy & ICS faculties, research service & Turnitin administrator

Library Building

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