All Turnitin services may be unavailable for use during scheduled maintenance times, on the first and third Saturdays of each month.
It is a “text-matching software” used for submitting assignments and research papers that can be used to detect plagiarism by showing matching sections within the submitted paper. It is then up to the instructor, not Turnitin, to decide whether plagiarism has occurred or not.
The BUE is trying to increase the awareness of academic honesty by teaching students to learn about and avoid plagiarism, how to give credit to resources of information and to improve their writing skills; besides assissting instructors in checking students’ works for improper citation or internet plagiarism.
Submitting the same paper from 2 different accounts will show a high similarity score or 100%.
Thanks to our colleague Mr. Sameh El Shafee for his invaluable support he has provided throughout working as a Turnitin administrator.