This Subject Guide is a good place to get started looking for information. It includes lists for useful resources (websites, article databases, books,..) in Law
Note that databases may be specific or cover different subject areas
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Harnessing 200 years of experience, Westlaw is your online legal research service delivering unmatched speed and accuracy. Westlaw’s dynamic, ever-growing, and the easily searchable content set includes case law, legislation, news, legal journals, commentary, current awareness alerts, and legal materials specific to your region. Now with the most relevant legal information at your fingertips, you can search with confidence, every time.
Harnessing 200 years of experience, Westlaw is your online legal research service delivering unmatched speed and accuracy. Westlaw’s dynamic, ever-growing, and the easily searchable content set includes case law, legislation, news, legal journals, commentary, current awareness alerts, and legal materials specific to your region. Now with the most relevant legal information at your fingertips, you can search with confidence, every time.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit organisation that serves and is supported by the scholarly community. It offers multidisciplinary archival collections that include complete runs of journals as well as select monographs, transactions, and conference proceedings.
The T&F provides access to over 900 must-have online journals from Routledge, It Covers different Disciplines such as Anthropology & Archaeology , Arts and Humanities , Behavioral Science , Economics , Criminology & Law , Education , Library and Information Science , Media, Cultural and Communication Studies,Politics, International Relations and Area Studies , Public Health and Social Care, Chemistry and the Biological, Earth, Environmental & Food Science, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics and Engineering and Computing Technology subject.
Will grant all Egyptians from all ages access to the largest amount of knowledge, cultural and scientific contents whether it is basic, applied, technology, human or management science and even public cultural books, including books targeting children.
For any Egyptian citizen in country, through a unified portal, inside the Arab Republic of Egypt, to be used through all computers, as well as smart phones and tablets.
Across the globe, LexisNexis provides customers with access to billions of searchable documents and records from more than 45,000 legal, news and business sources
Dar Al Mandumah
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Dar Al Mandumah company is established in 2004, specialized in the field of construction and development of scientific information in specialized databases, research and academic fields. During these years, the company has proved its place in the field of information and services, due to the high professionalism in its management and services.
The company has extensive cumulative experience in the field of digital information content, and information bases and mechanisms designed and searchable. Since the beginning of the company, it was directed to serve the research and academic field. The company has entered into alliances with a number of publishers, academics specialized in the field of scientific publishing for the betterment of the Arab scientific content to reach the level of global rules of scientific information and scientific societies. The company also offers training courses in the use of databases and search mechanisms in digital sources.
East View
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Cambridge Archive Editions is an imprint of Cambridge University Press. This excellent partnership allows Archive Editions, as was, to remain independent of commercial enterprises and to continue to produce work that is unsurpassed in its quality and integrity.
Cambridge Archive Editions conducts original research in government records and other sources. Our aim remains to make available to libraries and scholars historical reference materials which otherwise would remain unknown, difficult to access, or fragmentary.
In many of the existing collections, we have included document by document identification, which enables a more efficient study of the material, and original references as an aid to scholars.
Our publications may be seen as one huge library resource, hundreds of thousands of pages of facsimile documents, as well as numerous maps, on the national heritage and political development of many countries.
Our material is particularly rich for the study of boundary formation, claims, and disputes. For many years we have specialized in the history of the Middle East and our titles provide an extensive library collection of resources on the modern political development of the Arabian peninsula and the Persian Gulf.
Titles included:
Cambridge Archive Editions Egyptian Complete Collection with 20 Years Hosting Fees
Near & Middle East Titles: Arab Dissident Movements 1905–1955 / 4 vols.
The Arab League 1943–1963: British Documentary Sources / 10 vols.
Documentary Studies in Arabian Geopolitics: The Red Sea Region: Sovereignty, Boundaries, and Conflict, 1839–1967 / 6 vols.
Israel: Boundary Disputes with Arab Neighbors 1946–1964 / 10 vols.
Israel: Political and Economic Reports 1954-1955 / 6 vols.
Minorities in the Middle East: Christian Minorities 1838–1967 / 10 vols.
Palestine Boundaries 1833–1947 / 4 vols.
Records of Syria 1918–1973 / 15 vols.
Records of the Hajj: The Pilgrimage to Mecca / 10 vols.
Turkey and Her Arab Neighbors 1953–1958 / 1 vol.
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