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Civil Engineering / Construction Engineering and Management: Home

This guide will provide you with a list of resources useful to civil engineering students & staff


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The Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza

Welcome to the Civil & Construction Management Subject Guide that presents selective resources available through the Internet or at the BUE Library

Please contact Wessam El Abd for any questions or updates to add to the subject guide

Off Campus Access to Library Resources

The Library online resources can be accessed off campus by current BUE students and staff. When using databases, e-journals, or e-books off campus, use the BUE Lib proxy login page. You will have to enter your BUE mail user name and password.

No password is needed If you are accessing our databases on campus.

What if our Library doesn't have what you need?

We are keen to help you

  • You could also get an article or a conference paper that is not in the BUE Library collection through our Document Supply Service

Librarian Profile

Profile Photo
Wessam El Abd
Senior Librarian for instruction at Engineering, Energy & ICS faculties, research service & Turnitin administrator

Library Building

Guide editor

Compiled by Nahed Ali  

Maintained & updated by Wessam El Abd

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