ORCID stands for (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is an open, non-profit, community-based service that allows researchers to create a persistent universal identifier to clearly distinguish them from each other and helps to ensure they are receiving the appropriate acknowledgement of their works. ORCID IDs are unique from other researcher ID systems as they assign a sixteen-digit ID number to an individual researcher, which will remain consistent across all academic sources.
ORCID is increasingly being used by journals, publishers, funders, university repositories and other organisations.
By signing up for an ORCID, You control your record, managing what information is connected and how it is shared of your your professional information: affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, and more.
To import information from different databases, publications can be added to your ORCID profile using a DOI from different databases: (Crossref, DataCite, and mEDRA only), a PubMedID, or ArXiv ID. You can easily link your ORCID to your other professional IDs you may already use such as your Scopus Author ID and Web of Science Researcher ID.
To further increases the visibility of your works, you can add your publications or integrate with other IDs by following the steps below:
To register for an ORCID ID, click here: https://orcid.org/register.