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Researcher Identifiers & Profiles: Scopus Author ID

Tips on creating your unique ID number and profile as a researcher via some web services

Scopus Author ID

"Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research" (Elsevier).

Scopus Author ID is used by the Scopus database. You will be automatically assigned a Scopus Author ID when you publish in a journal indexed by Scopus.

Your Scopus Author ID allows you to track your publications indexed on Scopus.

Benefits of having a Scopus Author Identifier:

  • All your indexed publications in Scopus are assigned to your ID. 
  • All your details are correct. 
  • Share your citation metrics.

Scopus Author Profile

Each Scopus Author Profile is a unique record of that researcher’s publication activity. The information in a profile includes the author name, affiliation(s), subject area(s), publications, citations, and co-authors. The profiles do not cover editorship, managerial or executive roles, or teaching positions.

Why is Scopus Author Profile is important?

To ensure an author's published research activity is visible to other researchers, librarians, and research leaders.

Linking Scopus ID with ORCID

To import information about publications and other works from Scopus into your ORCID record:

  • Access an Author details page, from a search results list.
  • Select 'Connect to ORCID'.
  • Follow the prompts to connect the author details to ORCID.
Tags: Academic identity, academic profiles, author disambiguation, Author ID, Author Identifier, Google Scholar Citations, Online research identity, ORCID, Publons, research identity, Researcher ID, Researcher identifier, Researcher profile, Scopus Author ID, Web of Science researcher ID

Subjects: Research impact, Research support, Scholarly Communications