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Communication and Mass Media Dissertations & Theses

This Subject Guide is a good place to get started looking for information. It includes lists for useful resources (websites, article databases, books,..) in Communication and Mass Media field

Printed Books from Library Catalog

Open Repositories for Theses & Dissertations

E-Books from EDS & ProQuest

How to search for Dissertations & Theses?

The Library Catalogue has many books on writing dissertations and theses. To find these books, use the following search methods:

In the Basic Search , type dissertation, academic as a subject search.

In the Advanced Searchtype writing as a subject search and mass media* as a keyword search.

Get Help from Your Subject Librarian

Your Subject Librarian can support you during your thesis or dissertation research and writing:

  • Show you the Library services that you will need.
  • Help you get the most out of the resources (databases, etc.) you need for your research.
  • Assist you with citation and referencing.

Request an Article through Document Supply Service (DSS)

NOTE: Due to license agreements, some journals and/or specific issues may not be available in full-text.

 Document Supply Service exists to obtain articles, theses, reports or chapters in books which are needed for research but not found in BUE Library Catalogue or any of BUE subscribed full text databases.

The Document Supply Service is available to:

• Undergraduate students of The British University in Egypt.
• BUE staff.

For more details, kindly visit the DSS page. 



Tags: Cartooning, Censorship, Cinema, Communication, Digital Media, Directing, Film, Filming, Journalism, Mass Media, Media Law & Ethics, New Media, News, Newspaper, Photography, Public Speaking, Radio, Scene, Television

Subjects: Communication and Mass Media