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English Language and Literature Evaluating sources

This subject guide highlights the key resources and services that are most relevant to your studies.

Meaning of credible sources

To learn how to evaluate sources before using it, Watch the following video:

Evaluation of Information Sources

Evaluation information ...    

Is a vital part of the research process; it is the steps you do to differentiate between reliable and non-reliable Or biased information sources. That is necessary to avoid using fake information in your researches or assignments.

Evaluating information is important because:

  • Not all information is trusted or true .. you should not consider all information you found guaranteed. 
  • Evaluating information will make your research better and strengthen your arguments.
  • You should use the most relevant sources to the research topic you studding.
  • Unreliable and biased information sources must be Excluded from the references list of your research.
  • You need to use information that published by someone who has credentials.

Evaluating Criteria


Is an acronym for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose and it used to evaluate sources you use. whether printed or online sources.

Currency: The timeliness of the information.

Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs.

Authority: The source of the information.

Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.

Purpose: The reason the information exists.




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Tags: Drama, English, English Literature, Linguistics, Translation

Subjects: English Language and Literature