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TurnItIn for Insturctors: User Guides, Manuals & Tutorials: Download & Print the Originality Report

This guide will help you getting started with Turnitin.

Important Note

Similarity Reports can only be download individually. There is currently no option to download Similarity Reports in bulk.

To download the similarity report with grades or comments and ETS feedback, layers must be selected.
  • Open the Similarity Report.
  • Activate the layer of the service that you would like to be included, click on the layer icon at the top of the toolbar, which will open the Active Layers side panel.


  • In the Active Layers side panel, click the relevant check boxes to activate or deactivate your chosen services. 

Download / Print the Originality Report from the Feedback Studio Interface (PDF version)

To download or print the Originality Report from the Feedback Studio Interface:

  1. Activate your required layers.
  2. Click the download icon at the right of the screen.
  3. Select Current View to download a Pdf version of the Report.
  4. A popup window will come up, and after a short time there will be a link: "Click here to download your file".
  5. Save or open the report as a PDF file to print it out.

Print the Originality Report (text-Only view)

To print a copy of the Originality Report from the Text-Only Report view:

  1. Click on the printer icon at the top right corner.

  2. Click Ctrl & P from the keyboard to proceed with printing.

Tags: Class ID, Class statistics, Enrollment password, Forgot password, How to use Turnitin, Late submission, Master class, Originality Reports, Paper assignment, Reset Password, Revision assignment, Section ID, Standard class, Submit a paper on Turnitin