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TurnItIn for Insturctors: User Guides, Manuals & Tutorials: Submit a Paper

This guide will help you getting started with Turnitin.

Submit a Paper from your account

There are several methods in which Instructors can submit papers for themselves or on behalf of their students:

  • Single file upload - a single file submission selected by the instructor.
  • Cut and paste - submission of text copied and pasted into a Turnitin submission box (no images or non-text information can be copied and pasted). Use this option incase the file format is not accepted.
  • Multiple file upload - multiple files selected one by one. Similar to adding multiple attachments to an e-mail.
  • Zip file upload - submit a standard zip file containing multiple papers. May contain up to 200MB or 1,000 files.

Submit a Paper using the "Single File Upload" Option

Submitting a paper by single file upload for yourself or on behalf a student:

1. Click on the class name from your home page.



2. On the class homepage, click on the More actions dropdown menu and select Submit paper.





3. Select Single File Upload from the Submit drop down menu.




4. Select an enrolled student name using the "Author" pull down menu on the submission page. When non-enrolled student is selected, the instructor must enter the first and last name.





5. Enter the title for the paper.

6. Review the requirements for the single file upload.

7. Instructors have a choice to upload a file from:

  • "Choose from this computer" - Browse to a file saved on the computer. Select the file and then click "Open."
  • "Choose from Dropbox" - Browse to a file saved to your account and then click "Choose."
  • "Choose from Google Drive™" - Browse to a Document file from your Google Drive account and then click "Select." (You may need to click "Accept" before connecting).

8. Click "Upload" to upload this file.



9. Once the paper has been uploaded, review the text to confirm the correct file was selected & use the arrows above the document preview to check other pages in the document.


10. Click "Confirm" to confirm your submission.
  • Once the submission is complete the digital receipt is displayed with the paper ID.
  • After you submit a paper, our system will generate a similarity report within minutes for supported file types.

  • To view the report, select the Return to the Assignment List  button. Your assignment inbox will open.

  • Submit a Paper using the "Multiple File Upload" Option

    Submitting multiple papers by multiple file upload:

    1. Repeat steps 1& 2 mentioned above in the "Single File Upload".
    2. Select "multiple file upload" from the "Submit:" pull down menu. "Single file upload" is the default submission type for new users.



    4. Review the requirements for uploading the file.
    5. Click on "Browse" & select the first file to attach to the File Submission Preview list.
    6. Once successfully uploaded, select an enrolled student from the pull down menu on the submission page or Enter the first and last name as a non-enrolled student. Not entering a first and last name results in an author name of anonymous
    7. Enter the title for the paper.
    8. Repeat steps 4-6 for each paper being submitted as part of the upload
    9. When all the desired files are attached, click the "Upload all" button to upload the batch of files


    11. On the accepted files page please review the files to be uploaded and click "Submit" to submit all uploaded files.







    • Files can be excluded from the upload by unchecking the check box to the left of the file name under the "Submit" column.
    • An instructor may remove all uploaded files from the "File Submission Preview" list by clicking on the "Delete all" link located below the list to the right.

    Move to the next page to view originality reports

    Tags: Class ID, Class statistics, Enrollment password, Forgot password, How to use Turnitin, Late submission, Master class, Originality Reports, Paper assignment, Reset Password, Revision assignment, Section ID, Standard class, Submit a paper on Turnitin